Anthurium Clarinervium Care

Anthurium Clarinervium is a genus of flowering plants that consists mainly of epiphytic anthurium species found in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and southeastern Mexico.

The species was first described by Austrian botanist Franz von Paula Schrank in 1798 as Eucharis clarinervia. The type species is now Anthurium clarinervium.

There are three recognized species in the genus: A. clarinervium, A. lancifolius, and A. tristezaense with four varieties of each – a total of twelve named taxa altogether (A new variety has been unofficially selected from the island country Dominica).

How to care for Anthurium Clarinervium?

Anthurium clarinervium plants are well adapted to living in the trees of their native habitats. Their pseudo-bulbs reside in a protective woody chamber, and the leaves grow out from the top of this chamber and hang around its exterior.

In cultivation, they often need support since they don’t have natural means to attach themselves over long periods of time, as they would while growing in a tree.

To help them thrive indoors, provide:

Medium to bright light is best for these plants because direct sunlight will scorch their leaves. See our information about lighting for more details about keeping your plants healthy with light levels recommended by plant type.

Good air circulation is also important, so make sure your plant’s location will not be subject to stagnant air.

Indoors and out, temperatures should feel like a constant 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit (22-27 Celsius) day and night to promote healthy growth. Higher or lower temperatures can inhibit growth or invite disease.

Keep the plant in an area with high humidity, meaning the relative humidity should always be around 60 percent or more for best results. See our information about humidity for more details about keeping your plants healthy with proper levels of indoor humidity.

Keep the potting medium evenly moist, but never soggy. Water when the top of the medium is dry, but never when the plant base feels dry.

Make sure the potting medium you’re using drains well so it doesn’t become waterlogged or develop fungal problems.

I recommend a mix of equal parts of peat moss and coarse perlite for best drainage. You can also use pure long-fiber sphagnum moss (not to be confused with live sphagnum). Keep in mind that these plants are not heavy feeders, but we do recommend fertilizing monthly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Use a standard, large, clear container for best light penetration and good moisture retention.

When repotting, use a container full of fresh medium, so the top of the plant is level with the soil surface when you place it back where it was growing before and then water generously to settle the medium.

There are some pests and diseases that affect these plants in general; however, Anthurium clarinervium has not been plagued with any major problems. Aphids may be a problem, especially in warm climates. Ants are attracted to the sticky base of anthuriums, so keep an eye out for them in warm temperatures or in areas with high relative humidity.

The Anthurium Mite is the most common pest to affect plants in this genus. It resembles a tiny, red spider and frequently turns up on sticky traps. They don’t seem to damage the plants directly much, but if you see them they should be removed from the leaves and surrounding areas.

The insects are attracted to honeydew, a liquid that aphids excrete, so be sure to check for those as well. If you have an infestation of aphids.

How fast does anthurium Clarinervium grow?

Anthurium Clarinervium is slow-growing. It can take a year or more for a plant to reach its mature size. When we talk about the size of leaves, it doesn’t necessarily mean the entire leaf is that size.

Anthurium leaves can be divided into two categories: the petiole, or long stem that attaches it to the pseudobulb, and the blade.

The blade is always much smaller than the petiole and can range from just a few inches long to more than a foot in length. Occasionally, you’ll see an anthurium with a narrow leaf that has little or no blade at all. Collectors refer to these as laceleafs because they look like fine lace.

Should I mist my anthurium?

Anthuriums do not do well with frequent misting. In fact, most anthurium growers only mist their plants when there is no alternative. Even then, you should never spray them to the point of dripping wet. This can cause leaf burn and rots diseases on the pseudobulbs.

How do you repot anthurium Clarinervium?

As the plant grows, it will eventually outgrow its pot. When you have repotted anthurium Clarinervium in the past, did you use a new pot with fresh soil? If not, then we highly recommend you recycle the soil and just use a fresh container.

If you must replace it, make sure to remove as much of the old soil as possible before repotting. Also, remove any dead or damaged roots and cut back any rotted pseudobulbs or leaves. Use fresh soil to fill the container, but leave about one-fourth of the container unfilled so that new growth can come out of this space.

Do anthuriums like to be root bound?

No. Anthuriums do not like to be root bound and should be repotted before the roots begin to grow through the drainage holes of the pot.

How do you handle anthurium Clarinervium leaves?

The leaves of an anthurium are very sensitive to touch. When we think of a plant as being sturdy and rugged, it’s usually because it has thick, leathery leaves that can withstand handling or a stiff breeze from time to time.

Even though most anthuriums are epiphytic and may have grown in trees where they were exposed to wind, rain and sun for years, their foliage is delicate and should never be subjected to rough treatment.

How long do anthurium plants last?

When planted in a pot and given the basic care required for anthurium Clarinervium, these plants will last for years. Some varieties may last only two or three years, while others can reach ten or twelve years of age before showing any signs of wear.

This is one plant that you really don’t need to replace on a regular basis. Unless you’re tired of it, whatever you’re growing now is going to be around for quite a while!

How long does it take an anthurium to flower?

Anthuriums do not flower annually. Sometimes, they may take as long as five years before they bloom for the very first time. After that, they may begin to bloom annually.

The number of flowers they produce each season will increase as the plant ages, too. The first time a flower appears on a plant, it may simply have one or two flowers.

The second year, the plant might produce three or four flowers, and so on. These are just an average of the time it takes an anthurium to flower; don’t be discouraged if your plants take longer than this to do so!