Anthurium Plant Problems

Anthurium plant is the largest herbaceous genus of about 1000 species of flowering plants belonging to the arum family, Araceae. You can found it as you go from Mexico to northern Argentina, Uruguay, and parts of the Caribbean. It is also renowned as anthurium, tail flower, painted tongue, flamingo flower, and laceleaf.

The leaves of anthurium are found often clustered and have different shapes, whereas the flowers are small and contain both male and female structures. Spadix contains flowers where it slowly develops into fruits. The fruits are juicy berries, usually contain two seeds, and are found in various colors.

Many species of this genus can be grown as houseplants and outdoors as well. You can grow these species as an outdoor plant only in mild climates in a shady location.

Anthurium plant problems

Anthurium plants are beautiful, colorful, and perfect for adding life to any drab space. But some people grow these plants without knowing about the possible anthurium plant problems they can experience. We’ve put together a list of 10 common concerns that you might want to watch out for with your anthurium plant.

  1.  Slugs and snails can attack your plant at night and should be killed with salt before they eat away at the roots of your precious anthurium plant. Aphids will suck out the sap from leaves if left unchecked but can be removed by washing off in a light soap solution or using a repellent spray such as Baythroid XL .
  2. White mold can grow on the bottom of leaves or even under the soil of your plant. It is usually caused in by stress, a lack of water, or lack of light. If you find white mold on your anthurium it should be removed with a fungicide such as Bordeaux.
  3. Damping-off fungus is a fungus that has developed on the roots of plants and kills them if infected. These tend to kill young plants first, but will also destroy older plants if left unchecked. The best way to prevent this from happening is to plant your anthurium in healthy soil and keep the soil moist but not wet.
  4.  Leaf spot comes in many forms and some varieties are more susceptible to it than others. It is usually brown, oval, or circular spots on leaves. The best way to treat this is with a copper fungicide such as Bordeaux or fungicide soap so long as it does not have an acidifying agent.
  5.  Anthurium plants like to be watered regularly but do not like soggy soil. To check the moisture of your anthurium plant’s soil take a handful of dirt and squeeze. If you feel moisture then you should water your plant right away, if it feels dry then give it some water until the soil is moist but not soggy.
  6.  The lack of airflow can cause anthurium leaves to turn brown. The best way to prevent this is to make sure your plant gets several hours of direct sunlight each day.
  7. Anthurium wilt is not a disease but rather a virus that can be transmitted from plant to plant by bugs such as aphids or by mechanical methods such as pruning tools. Infected plants can either recover on their own or die, so if you notice your anthuriums leaves turning yellow with green veins then it may have this virus and should not be planted near other plants.
  8. Plant bugs suck the sap out of the plant and can spread diseases if they are left unchecked. Usually this is done at night, making it hard to notice, but you should monitor your plants regularly to catch any bugs that may be sucking on the base of leaves or stems. You can control them by using a soap or oil spray on the bug’s surface.
  9. Scale insects look like tiny brown shells as they cling to your plant’s stems and leaves. They suck sap from the plant but do not transmit disease like other bugs. The best way to remove them is by using a fine mist of water mixed with dishwashing detergent sprayed directly onto them.
  10. Spider mites are tiny spider-like creatures that suck sap from your anthurium leaving the plant’s leaves to turn brown and dry out. The best way to prevent this is to make sure your anthurium is well watered and does not get stressed by a lack of light or water. By giving your plant warm, indirect sunlight you can avoid it getting stressed.

Why are the leaves turning brown on my anthurium?

If you are growing an anthurium indoors, then it is most likely because your plant is not getting enough light.

The best way to get an anthurium to grow outdoors in a shadier environment is by using a fluorescent light or a supplemental light bulb to give your plant enough indirect light.

If you are growing an anthurium outdoors and have any problem with it, then you can try planting it where there is shade.

Why is my anthurium plant dying?

The most common reason why an anthurium is dying is that the plant has been stressed in some way. The first thing to look at if your plant is dying is how much sunlight you are providing.

If it doesn’t get enough sunlight then your plant will not be able to produce food for itself and it will die. You should also check the amount of water you are giving your plant, as many new growers make the mistake of over-watering which can cause instant death for indoor plants.

How do you bring anthurium back to life?

A dead anthurium is worthless, so it is important to learn how to revive your plant’s life. The most common reason why an anthurium dies is because the soil around it has become too wet.

If you have a root rot problem, then you should give your plant more room around it as this will help to keep the roots dry. The other thing that can kill plants is lack of water and food.

You should always check your soil for any pests and remove them before they can cause any harm to your plant when you water. If you are learning about growing an anthurium indoors, then be sure to read our article on how to grow a cactus in a pot.

Anthurium Plant Care

  1. The plant can only grow outdoors with a minimum annual temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 degrees Celsius) or higher. For indoor growing, the ideal temperature range is 60 to 85 degrees F (15 to 30 degrees C). They cannot tolerate direct light shower; however, as this burns the leaves, so it grows best in bright, indirect light.
  2. Do not overwater the plant. Water them in small quantities only when the soil feels dry.
  3. Fertilize the plant once every three to four months with strength fertilizer.


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