Cebu Blue Pothos Care

The Cebu Blue Pothos is an excellent houseplant to add color to any room, balcony or patio. The undivided lance-shaped leaves are a beautiful blue-green color and the plant will produce small white flowers when mature.

This is a low-maintenance plant that is as easy to grow on its own as it is in a hanging basket, flowering pot or another planter. It also makes a nice gift for the houseplant novice who wants to add some color and life without much fuss.

How do you care for Cebu Blue Pothos?

Caring for this plant is very simple as it prefers medium light and needs very little water. It is advisable to keep the plant in a cool room (between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit) during its active growth phase. This plant also likes indirect sunlight but this isn’t as critical.

Caring for your Cebu Blue Pothos:

What light does Cebu Blue Pothos need? The Cebu Blue Pothos needs medium light. It should be placed in a sunny location but not be placed where direct sunlight is too strong or harsh. The pot itself should have a very thin layer of soil covering the roots, so do not remove that when repotting as this will kill the roots.

How often should I water?

The Cebu Blue Pothos’ needs are that it be moderately watered. They prefer the soil to dry slightly before watering so if you notice soft soil, just give them a light mist.

Watering twice or even three times a week is adequate for this plant. Watering too frequently can lead to root rot and thus kill the plant should it be kept in an over-watered pot.

Watering too much can also cause root damage and result in damaged and unattractive leaves. So try not to let the leaves touch the water as this may cause rot or other problems with the leaves later on.

How can I repot Cebu Blue Pothos?

The Cebu Blue Pothos plant is not suitable for soil-based potting soil as it is easily damaged by too much water and cannot survive on it. The type of soil used should be good quality pebbles or moisture-retaining gravel.

Pick up the roots with a long-handled spoon or spade when repotting your plant. Place the roots in a fresh potting medium, making sure there are no roots along the bottom of the container, and fill with new soil so that there are no air pockets surrounding the roots.

This is a gentle, undemanding plant, and repotting it will not be too stressful on your plant. If the new container is a little larger than the old one, leave the top third of the roots exposed for drainage.

The leaves can be trimmed off as they will have to bend to adjust to their new environment and if you want them shorter then they will not have much room to grow.

If you don’t want them very short then just clip off any very long leaves that are outgrowing their usefulness and don’t worry about them. You should notice a new leaf emerge over the following weeks which means that your plant is recovering well from its repotting.

Is Cebu Blue a pothos or philodendron?

Cebu Blue Pothos is neither a pothos nor a philodendron but rather belongs to the genus Scindapsus. Their leaves are much more undivided than pothos or philodendrons which makes them quite different from those two both in looks, growing requirements, and care.

Is Cebu Blue pothos rare?

Cebu Blue Pothos is not rare at all. They are readily available in nurseries, garden shops, and online and can be found at many gardening websites. They are also inexpensive, readily available, and easy to grow. They not only add color to your home but also add a little bit of greenery which has been proven to be therapeutic.

Does Cebu Blue grow fast?

Yes, Cebu Blue Pothos can grow very fast and make it difficult to keep up with their growth. Maintaining a healthy environment that is not too humid and has the right amount of light will help maintain proper growth.

Cebu Blue is a low maintenance plant that does not require much water and is quite forgiving in its care. They will thrive in cool rooms with moderate light and little to no direct sunlight. If you keep their environment clean, their needs are small, and they can easily be kept for months at a time.

Why is Cebu Blue turning yellow?

If Cebu Blue turns yellow, it may be a sign of too much water. Heavy watering can cause leaves to turn yellow and this can be caused by an overused plant, too much humidity or a combination of both.

Try repotting the plant into a smaller pot or container as it may not be growing in the right environment and also try to make sure you are watering only lightly. If this does not work then you should consider contacting your local nursery or garden center for help or advice on what to do with your Cebu Blue Pothos.

Cebu Blue turns yellow when its leaves dry out. If you notice that the leaves are turning yellow and wrinkly, do not water them.

Does Cebu Blue have Fenestrations?

Cebu Blue Pothos is one of the few houseplants that do not have Fenestrations, meaning they do not have those small holes or dots on their leaves.

Why is my Cebu Blue turning brown?

If your Cebu Blue Pothos is turning brown, it may be due to over-watering. This plant is generally quite forgiving but if you turn the soil too much or too hard then it may damage the roots or even kill them. The best way to avoid this is by watering only when the soil becomes dry and adding a new potting mix.