How to kill Fungus in Soil? (Explained!)

Fungus is a natural life-form found throughout the world. It is estimated that around 40 percent of the Earth’s surface has some type of native species on it. Yet, despite its presence and positive effects on soil, it can also cause harm to plants in certain areas of your home. To prevent this from happening, you can get rid of the fungus in your soil so that your plants can grow healthy and strong.

What is soil fungus?

Fungus grows in soil in the form of small threadlike structures called hyphae. The hyphae absorb nutrients from the soil and provide a protective environment for plant roots to grow. In many cases, this is beneficial to plants and the soil. However, some fungus may produce harmful toxins that can affect or even kill the plants it has colonized. Fungus spores may also cause serious allergies in humans who inhale them while gardening or working in certain areas of their homes.

Ways to kill fungus in the soil

1. Boiling Water:

Boil water in the kettle and then allow it to cool. Add the cooled water to the containers or bags you are using to store your soil. Water the area daily until fungus growth has been completely destroyed.

2. Baking Soda:

Mix one part of baking soda with hot water, stirring thoroughly until all soda is dissolved in water. Pour this mixture into your storage container or bag containing fungus-infected soil and cover before allowing it to sit for two days. Rinse thoroughly with a hose and then repeat, if necessary.

3. Using Vinegar:

Vinegar is a natural bacteria killer and will effectively kill fungus in the soil. Mix one part vinegar with two parts of hot water, stirring thoroughly until vinegar is dissolved in water. Pour this mixture into your storage container or bag containing fungus-infested soil and cover before allowing it to sit for two days. Rinse thoroughly with a hose and then repeat, if necessary

4. Using Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth:

This works on most types of fungus infestations in garden soil. Spread the diatomaceous earth in an even layer and allow it to dry completely. Once dry, the dust will absorb all the moisture from the soil surrounding it, effectively killing fungus and other pests within a few hours. Water can be added to this mixture after 15 days when the fungus has been completely destroyed.

5. Using Clove Oil:

Clove oil is also known for its antifungal properties, making it a great choice for protecting your garden soil against future infestation by fungi. Mix one part clove oil with two parts of water, stirring thoroughly until clove oil is dissolved in water. Pour this mixture into your storage container or bag containing fungus-infested soil and cover, before allowing it to sit for two days. Rinse thoroughly with a hose and then repeat, if necessary.

6. cinnamon:

Cinnamon contains a natural fungistatic compound that is effective at killing fungus in the soil. Mix one part of cinnamon to two parts of water, stirring thoroughly until cinnamon is dissolved in water. Pour this mixture into your storage container or bag containing fungus-infested soil and cover before allowing it to sit for two days. Rinse thoroughly with a hose and then repeat, if necessary.

How can soil fungi be improved?

Cultivated soil is basically a form of synthetic material (soil), and because of this, it normally has no effect on the growth of fungus, which is cultivated by nature. However, there are several ways to add fungi to your soil that will provide a beneficial environment for the roots of your plants to grow.

Controlling the Growth of Fungi with Fertilisers:

Many fertilizers available for sale contain chemicals that have anti-fungal properties. Many chemical fertilizers contain azole fungicides, which are chemicals derived from fungi and therefore also useful for killing fungus in the soil. To determine whether your chemical or organic fertilizer contains azole fungicides, go to the manufacturer’s website or contact them directly.


Fungi can be a blessing or a problem in your garden, depending on the conditions they are exposed to. Watering your garden with a tea that contains fungus-killing chemicals can provide added protection against fungus infestation by killing off any lingering spores. Remember, it is up to you to keep the environment of your soil healthy and in balance so that it will support all of your gardening efforts – and the survival of the plants you grow!