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different types of shrubs

25 Examples of Shrubs

A shrub is a woody plant that has many stems and grows to be no taller than 10 m. Shrubs are characterized by having several from 1 to 5 inches in diameter. Some common types of shrubs include privet, hawthorn, and juniper bush. In this article, we are going to go through the various types …

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do plants attract bugs

Do Plants Attract Bugs?

Bugs are often attracted to plants for the same reasons people are, namely, they want something green and leafy to munch on. And while it might seem strange that plants attract bugs, it’s actually a fairly common occurrence. In this article we go into detail if plants attract bugs and why does that happen. Do …

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what makes plants grow

What Do Plants Need to Grow?

Plants need a number of things in order for them to grow. In this article, we are going to explore what plants need for them to grow. What Plants Need to Grow: 1. sunlight: All plants need sunlight for them to grow. Without the sun, they cannot produce chlorophyll which is essential for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll …

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wood ash

is wood ash good for grass?

Some of you may wonder why you should add wood ashes to your lawn. The people who ask this question are probably aware that wood ashes contain potassium and phosphorus which is needed by plants for good growth. They are also aware of the fact that garden soil can be deficient in potassium and phosphorus. …

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do plants die of old age

Can Plants Die of Old Age?

We all know that plants “live”  but do they die as well? And if so, why? Only time will tell. But for now, the answer to this question is, yes. To fully explore what it means for a plant to die of old age, we must first examine how plants grow and mature over time. …

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cactus plant

Is Cactus a Fruit or a Vegetable?

Is cactus fruit or vegetable? This is an important question that many ask because if it’s a fruit, it can’t grow on bushes. However, if cactus is considered a vegetable, then the definition of what constitutes “fruit” and “vegetable” changes. To help you decide what cactus actually is, we first need to understand some basics …

Is Cactus a Fruit or a Vegetable? Read More »

are plants alive

Are Plants Alive?

One of the most heated debates that have been going on for years is whether or not plants are alive and this article aims to address exactly that, without wasting any more time let’s dive in! Most of us consider plants to be pretty passive and docile, but research suggests otherwise. According to research, plants …

Are Plants Alive? Read More »