Plants that Eat Mosquitos (With Examples)

Mosquitoes can be a pest and you may be looking for ways to get rid of them. If so, then this is the article for you. In this article, I will discuss some plants that eat mosquitoes and help keep them away from your yard!

Carnivorous Plants Explained

Carnivorous plants are fascinating. Not only do they look pretty good, but they also have a very interesting way of attracting prey to their trap. Some carnivorous plants have developed specialized leaves, called traps, that can close around and digest insects. In this article, we’ll examine how these traps work and what makes them so effective at catching prey.

How Do Carnivorous Plants Work?

Each plant species has its own unique method of trapping insects for food. The Venus flytrap is perhaps the most famous example of a carnivorous plant, with its snap-like leaf that closes around an insect’s body when triggered by touch sensors on its surface.

Some plants use sticky surfaces or hairs to trap insects, while others use digestive enzymes or hydrochloric acids to dissolve the bodies of their victims.

Plants that eat mosquitos

Sundews (Drosera):

Sundews are carnivorous plants that catch their prey with sticky tentacles around their leaves which serve as traps. The plant uses these tentacles to catch insects, mostly flies and other small bugs, which it then digests. The sundew’s colorful leaves are used by many people in landscaping as they are attractive additions to any garden or home.

Butterworts (Pinguicula):

Butterworts are related to sundews and also have sticky leaves used to trap insects for nutrients. Butterworts are native to North America and Europe where they grow on mossy rocks in damp environments like bogs or fens (marshy wetlands). They bloom from June through August with small white flowers that look like buttercups!

Venus Fly Trap:

This plant is native to North and South Carolina and has leaves similar to those of a pitcher plant, which helps it trap insects. The carnivorous plant has two lobes containing three teeth that close around any insect that touches them. Why are they so effective? Insects are attracted by the sweet nectar produced by the plant and then get trapped when they try to reach it.

Pyrethrum daisies:

These flowers have bright yellow petals that turn orange or red as they age, depending on the variety chosen. They’re great for attracting pollinators such as hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies to your garden. They also contain pyrethrins, which kill insects like moths, flies, and mosquitoes that come into contact with them.

Can Plants Really Control Mosquitos?

Although these plants can kill mosquitoes they are not that effective due to the fact that mosquitoes are not attracted to nectar and are only interested in blood. This makes them hard to trap and kill. However, having these plants in your yard/house can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your area, which will make it easier for you to enjoy the outdoors and indoors.

Most Effective Mosquito Control

If you’re looking for a more effective way to control mosquitoes there are a number of products that can help. Mosquito traps are the most popular option because they attract and kill mosquitoes without using harmful chemicals or poisons.

Mosquito traps work by using a combination of light, heat and moisture to attract mosquitoes. Once they are inside the trap they cannot escape and die within a few hours. These traps are ideal for anyone who wants to control mosquitoes without having to worry about harmful chemicals or poisons.


Although Carnivorous plants are not that effective when it comes to eating mosquitoes, they can still be a great addition to your garden and control mosquitoes to a certain extent. Carnivorous plants are beautiful and fascinating, and they look great anywhere from your windowsill to the backyard!