Plants that Grow from Leaves (With 5 Examples)

Some plants grow from seeds, while others grow from bulbs. But there are also a select few that can sprout from just about any part of the plant including leaves! In this article , we’ll take a look at some of the most unique plants that grow from leaves.

5 Examples of Plants that Grow from Leaves

Snake plant

Snake plant (Sansevieria) is a very popular houseplant that grows from leaves. This type of plant is easy to care for and its leaves can be used to make a snake plant cutting. You can use a knife or scissors to cut the leaf, but it’s best to use a clean pair of sharp pruning shears. Cut just below where the leaf begins to narrow, leaving about 2 inches of stem on each side.

Aloe vera:

Aloe vera (also known as Aloe barbadensis) is another type of succulent that grows from leaves. You can take an aloe vera cutting anytime during its growing season (spring and summer), but preferably when it’s actively growing in your home or office environment.

Simply remove a leaf from the mother plant and place it on top of some moist soil in a pot or other container with drainage holes in the bottom. Keep your new plant in bright light but away from direct sunlight so that it doesn’t burn up; mist twice daily if necessary until roots form and new growth appears.

Bryophyllum pinnatum:

Bryophyllum pinnatum is a succulent plant that grows from the leaves. The plant has thick, fleshy stems and small, round leaves. Bryophyllum pinnatum can be propagated by cutting off a leaf and planting it in warm soil. African violets are also grown from cuttings, but these plants grow from the leaf axils instead of from cuttings taken from the stem.

African violets:

African violets are commonly sold in supermarkets and garden centers as houseplants because they are easy to grow indoors. They can be propagated easily by rooting stem cuttings in water or peat moss and then transplanting them into pots with soil or rich compost.

These plants are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 and are known for their attractive foliage and flowers that come in many colors including purple, red, blue, and white.

Christmas Cactus:

Christmas cactus is a very popular plant that grows from leaves. It is a native of Brazil and comes in a wide range of colors, including pink, red, purple and yellow. The Christmas cactus can be kept as a houseplant or grown outdoors with little care.

Christmas cactus is the perfect houseplant. It is easy to care for and can tolerate low light conditions. It also tolerates cold temperatures well if you bring it indoors before the first frost of winter. The plant can be grown in either soil or sand mix, but should be watered sparingly throughout the year so as not to rot its roots.

How to Grow Plants from Leaves

How to Grow Plants from Leaves

Planting a leaf is a fun and easy way to grow new plants. You can use any type of leaf, though succulent leaves are best because they tend to stay compact and have little chance of rotting. Use the following steps to transform an ordinary leaf into a living plant.

Step 1: Prepare Your Container

Mix 1 part soil with 2 parts sand in a bowl until the sand is evenly distributed throughout the soil. Fill your container with this mixture so that it fills about one-quarter of the container’s volume.

Step 2: Cut Your Leaf Into Pieces

Use scissors or a sharp knife to cut your leaf along its natural lines into several pieces that are between 1 and 2 inches long.

Step 3: Place Your Leaves In The Container And Cover Them With Soil

Place each piece of leaf in your container, then cover them with more soil so that only one end of each piece remains visible above ground level. Press down on the soil gently with your fingers until all leaves are buried beneath it; do not press down too firmly or you may damage your leaves!

Step 4: Water Your New Plant Well And Place It In A Sunny Spot Outside Or In A Window

Place your container in a sunny spot outside or near a window, then water it well. Watch for signs of growth and new leaves forming within two weeks.