Snake Plant Disadvantages

A snake plant is one of the most popular plants in today’s homes. A lot of people choose to buy it because its simple green leaves are easy to care for and don’t demand much attention. Despite these advantages, many people have never even heard of this plant before, or they aren’t aware of the snake plant’s disadvantages. This article is going to go over the common disadvantages of snake plants.

Snake Plant Disadvantages:

1. Grows slower than most plants:

Most people assume that the reason snake plants are so popular is that they grow so quickly and easily. In fact, this isn’t the case. Snake plants grow at such a slow rate that it can be discouraging to some people. A really tall snake plant won’t be tall for years.

Most people grow these plants for their leaves, not for its stem. Snake plant stems are very small and thin. They aren’t a good source of food, so it would be wise to discard the leaves when they start to rot. The only long-lasting part of a snake plant is the rootstock. The roots stay long and strong, preventing rot from spreading throughout the plant from ends to roots.

2. Known to be Toxic to most pets:

Probably the most common disadvantage of snake plants is that they are toxic to most pets. It’s hard for some people to give up their furry friends, but snake plants just aren’t safe for them.

Ingesting this plant will cause upset stomachs as well as kidney damage in dogs and cats. Almost all other animals are likely to get sick if they eat a snake plant, so please do not allow your pets near these plants. If you have children, be sure to keep them away from the plant too.

3. Leaves fall over very easily:

A lot of people will complain that the leaves fall off their snake plant or that they dangle over. This is completely normal. The small stems that snake plants have aren’t very strong, so when it rains heavily or if there’s high winds outside, the leaves will definitely fall over. It isn’t a big deal and won’t hurt the plant.

4. Reqiure warmer weather:

Snake plants prefer warmer temperatures. In fact, they won’t do well in most areas of the south or in low temperatures. They have to be able to grow quickly without much care, and this isn’t possible in colder climates. If you live in a warm region, then they are perfect for your houseplant collection!

5. Long cutting downtime:

The main disadvantage of snake plants is that it’s hard to cut them properly. You need to cut the stem into sections. The process is a little bit messy and requires quite a lot of patience. Once you get a consistent length, it’s rather easy to cut the plant into smaller sections.

6. Can be overwatered easily:

You can easily overwater a snake plant. It’s very susceptible to drowning, so be sure not to give it too much water at once. If you want to make sure it’s not being watered too much, then you should stick an inch of the stem underwater. If the soil is completely soaked in at least an inch of the stem, then you should stop watering or take some of the water out.

7. Harder to propagate:

There isn’t a whole lot of differences between snake plants. They have the same roots and leaves. If you are planning on getting a new snake plant, then it would be easier to get a cutting from another plant than to try to propagate your own snake plant. Sure, some people like doing it their selves, but most people don’t need so many snakes in their lives.


These are just some of the disadvantages of snake plants. They aren’t really that bad in my opinion, and they aren’t as bad as people make them out to be. Some may even find them refreshing! If you have other disadvantages of snake plants that are better than these, then please let us know by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page.