When Do Morning Glories Bloom?

You have been waiting for your morning glories to bloom with no luck. This leaves you wondering, when will my morning glories bloom? You don’t have to worry about that anymore. We have done extensive research, and we will give you all the answers in this article.

From the day you sow the morning glory seeds in your cottage or garden, wait for the one hundred and twentieth day. You will begin to see some flowers in your morning glories. With the right growing conditions, some morning glories bloom in about one and a half months. Let’s discuss further.

Understanding a Morning Glory Flower

Morning glories bloom around the beginning of summer. In most cases, they will continue to bloom all the way to the first frost.

If you find that your morning glories don’t bloom during this period, there is a problem. It’s either you planted them in the wrong way, or your geographical location does not favor blooming.

For the lovers of nature and its beauty, planting morning glories adds color and vibrancy to your garden. You can even plant this beautiful plant in your backyard. Its leaves are heart-shaped and appealing to look at. Apart from that, morning glories produce attractive flowers once they get to the blooming stage.

Are you aware that morning glories belong to the Ipomoea genus of plants? Well, now, you do. Being in the Ipomoea genus, morning glories are also named according to this genus. One species is referred to as Ipomoea Purpurea, and another Ipomoea Violacea.

At its blooming stage, Ipomoea Purpurea brings beauty to your space by producing three-inch-long flowers. The color of the flowers depends on the kind of morning glory you plant. Some will bloom to give you white flowers; others will provide you with pink flowers, while others produce purple flowers.

Farmers in the southeastern part of North America normally uproot the plant when they come across it on the farm. This is because they regard morning glories as weeds rather than ornamental plants.

Ipomoea Violacea, on the other hand, produces blue, white, or purple flowers. The blue morning glory flower is much bigger and grows to about four and a half inches long.

Apart from people, other animals and birds also love blooming morning glories. You will often see various kinds of birds around your morning glories once they start to flower. The scent produced by the blooming plant is attractive to insects and birds. If you are a bird enthusiast, you are in for a treat.

Factors Affecting Blooming of Morning Glories

morning glory blooming

Hot climate facilitates faster blooming in morning glories. If you continuously water your flowers, you will be delaying their flowering. Therefore, you need to make sure they get enough sunlight and maintain a low moisture level in the soil you plant them in.

It will help if you plant morning glories away from a shade or an enclosed patio for better growth and blooming. This will allow the plant to get direct sunlight, which favors their blooming. Also, reduce watering intervals so that they can utilize the moisture content in the soil.

The way you plant morning glories affects their blooming. Hence, it would be best to collect fertile soil and put it in a basket and grow your flowers in the basket.

Baskets are easier to monitor and maintain since you can measure the amount of water you add. Moving a morning glory flower in a basket makes it portable. You can easily move it to a warmer location.

The morning glory flowers you plant don’t demand fertilizer application. They grow reasonably well, utilizing the nutrients in your soils. For this reason, most farmers grow morning glories inexpensively.

At the core of growth and blooming is patience on the gardener’s side. After you have provided the conditions needed for blooming, wait for the plant to flower. There is no point in rushing it. Soon you will enjoy the sight of beautiful blue, purple, white, or pink morning glories.

Why Morning Glory is Not Blooming

Morning glories need little maintenance care. For this reason, when they fail to bloom, a gardener is bound to get worried. Here are a few things you ought to consider if your morning glories don’t bloom as you expect.

At the top of morning, glory demands flowers is sunlight. The flower benefits from the sun growing and blooming faster. Consequently, if you need your flowers to have more vigorous vines and flowers at an encouraging speed, make sure you plant them in a location that gets lots of sunlight.

It would be best if you did another thing to ensure their undisturbed blooming is building a structure for them to climb over. This structure can be a fence or any other creative structure that adds beauty to your garden while simultaneously supporting morning glory vines. With a stable structure, morning glory realizes their potential faster as they climb towards the light.

Morning glories are undemanding when it comes to fertilizer. By adding too much fertilizer to the basket, you grow your heavenly blue morning glory flowers that delay in blooming.

If you want them to flower well, avoid adding fertilizer to the soil around them. If you have to add fertilizer, make sure it is in small amounts. Excess nitrogen from fertilizer risks your flowers not flowering at all.

The length of the day also has an impact on the blooming of morning glories. If the days are longer, your flowers will not bloom as expected. Instead, you will experience delayed blooming. Typically, morning glories do well when days are shorter than nine hours. When temperatures are low, the flower blooms faster when days are longer than 14 hours.

How to Get Blooms on Morning Glory

If your morning glories are not blooming, find out the cause of the problem. The environment you plant them in is the first thing to look at. If you explore various remedies without establishing the cause of the problem, you will be wasting your time and energy. For instance, if the issue is excess moisture in the soil, watering your flower further will only worsen the situation.

Similarly, you may decide to add bloom food to the soil around your morning glory. Yes, bloom food contains phosphorus, which is vital in causing plants to produce buds.

However, remember that excess fertilizer will hinder your flowers from flowering. This is because the nitrogen in bloom food facilitates more growth rather than blooming, leaving you with more vegetation and no flowers.

Having understood that, begin by providing support for all vines that are sprawling on the ground. Some vines indeed thrive when you allow them to grow on the ground freely. The case is different with morning glory vines. They need a support system that you need to construct.

Create an environment that doesn’t have excess moisture. Apart from that, put the baskets you grow the flowers in at a spot that gets enough sunlight. Dark indoor corners are not ideal since the temperatures are low. Don’t add fertilizer often to the soil, and if you can avoid adding any, that would be better.

Since the flower takes about one hundred and twenty days to begin blooming, be patient. In the same way, you can not cut down a tree before it matures, allow your flowers to get to the blooming stage. The hundred and twenty days would be a must if you planted seeds rather than vines.

How to Take Care of Morning Glories

You want your flowers to add an aesthetic appeal to your home. Taking care of the plants becomes mandatory if you don’t want them to lose their structure or die.

Building a shelter preventing them from being hit directly by strong winds is the first step in taking care of your morning glories. Strong winds cause the plants to fall.

If you don’t pay enough attention to them, they will sprawl on the ground and not bloom as expected. The structure you build therefore serves two purposes; a barrier against strong winds and a support system.

Next, make sure the soil is well-drained hence the baskets. Baskets have holes therefore excess water drains with ease. If you don’t plant morning glories in baskets, make sure the part of the garden you plant them in has a good drainage system.

Be sure to keep the soil around the plant roots moist. You can water regularly but ration the amount of water. The soils should be moist, not soggy.

When attacked by pests such as leaf miners, leaf-cutter caterpillars, and aphids, spray them with the appropriate insecticide.

When you want to get more flowers from your morning glories, keep fertilizer application on the lower end. Be warned that too much fertilizer reduces the number of flowers you morning glory rewards you with. It may also cause lush foliage.

Mulch is beneficial in maintaining the optimum moisture levels in soils. Gather material for mulching and place them around the plants.

FAQ Section

What Month Do Morning Glory Flowers Bloom?

Morning glory flowers bloom in early summer. The exact month varies depending on the region, In the United States Morning Glories will Bloom from May to the end of September.

Morning Glory flowers can be very large and glorious, and they are often used as garden decorations. They are easy to grow, when planted in a sunny garden bed they will soon produce their blue flowers.

Difference between Morning Glory and Bindweed

Morning Glory and Bindweed are often mistaken for each other, because of their similarity in looks and purple flowers. Bindweed is a wild morning glory with poisonous leaves, while Morning Glory is a garden plant.

Do morning glories come back year after year?

yes. Morning Glory can be a perennial plant, you can cut them back each year and they will grow again.

Conclusion on when do Morning Glories Bloom

Morning glory flowers though undemanding, need a few conditions to bloom. Moisture level, heat, drainage, and amount of fertilizer in the soil are the vital conditions. If you meet them, you should expect your morning glories to begin blooming by the hundred and twentieth day.

