Amelia Eldridge

Amelia is a plant and nature lover! Ever since she was little, she loved spending time in her family's garden and learning about how to care for each plant individually. As an adult, she has dedicated herself to sharing what she has learned and continuing to expand her knowledge on the plant kingdom.

are carrots man made

Are Carrots Man Made?

In the vegetable family, carrots are very close cousins to parsnips; they share a similar flavor and sweetness. Carrots are actually believed to have been derived from wild carrots, which originated in Central Asia. They were a popular food source for hunters and herders because they could be grown under less fertile conditions than other …

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man made broccoli

Is Broccoli Genetically Modified?

Broccoli is a vegetable that grows in bunches with green flower-like heads. There are many different kinds of broccoli, but the most common types have a tough outer skin and deep purple and green florets. The stems of broccoli are also edible and taste similar to the florets. Is broccoli genetically modified? Yes, broccoli is …

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portulaca winter care

Portulaca Winter Care

Portulaca is a vigorous, warm-season annuals with pretty flowers ranging from pink to red or purple. In the autumn, ersatz papyrus plants become dormant and start to wither. Some plants will die back completely; others will simply turn brown and stay relatively sturdy for the winter. Sunlight is an important factor in how long a …

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mint plant dying

Mint Plant Dying

The mint plant is an aromatic herb indigenous to the Mediterranean. There are many different types of mints, including peppermint, spearmint, apple mint, and orange mint. Spearmint is one of the most popular varieties as it’s distinguished by its strong aroma and sweet flavor which can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Peppermint …

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Calibrachoa plant dying

Why is my Calibrachoa Dying?

Calibrachoa or million bells is a variety of petunia that is known for its glossy leaves. The flowers come in a wide range of colors and can be used as both an indoor and outdoor plant. The name calibrachoa (pronounced kal-i-brak-o’a) comes from the Greek word Kalos, which means “beautiful”, and amaranth, which refers to …

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do roses like wood ash

Is Wood Ash Good for Roses?

Wood ash is a by-product of the burning process in fireplaces and wood stoves, and it can be applied as a fertilizer to your plants. Whether or not this substance is good for roses is debatable, as there are many different opinions on this topic. It does appear that wood ash could have been helpful …

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dying lavender plant revive

Lavender Plant Dying

Lavender is a flowering plant in the mint family. It is often used as an herb and has strong antiseptic properties. Lavender’s genus name, Latin name, and common name all come from the word “lavare” which means “to wash.” This refers to its pungent fragrance when crushed or rubbed. Why is my lavender plant dying? …

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