Do You Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom? (Explained!)

This question has been asked by countless people who have never owned a houseplant before. Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant and the benefits are countless. It’s amazing but there are plenty of people who want to know how to care for their aloe Vera plant, what it requires to grow, and so on.

If you’re one of these people then keep reading because I’m going to show you everything you need to remember about growing Aloe Vera.

What is Aloe Vera Plant?

Aloe vera is a succulent plant belonging to the Aloe genus. It is an evergreen perennial that originated in the Arabian Peninsula but now grows wild in tropical areas all over the world and is used for agricultural and medicinal purposes.

The species is also used as an ornamental plant and maybe grown effectively as a potted plant indoors. It can be found in a variety of consumer products, such as drinks, skin lotions, cosmetics, and burn and sunburn ointments.

There are more than 500 varieties of aloe plants, but only one proclaimed as the best: aloe vera. Aloe vera has been widely used traditionally as a topical medication.

Medically, it has been known to help with dermatological issues like minor burns and cuts, and possibly even sores caused by cold sores (herpes simplex).

Do You Water Aloe Vera from the Top or Bottom?

The best way to water is from the bottom. Aloe plants are native to arid desert climates, so they don’t need a lot of water. Also, aloes have very shallow root systems, so deep watering can cause root rot.

That said, you should use a pot with holes in the bottom and drainage saucers. Water your plant until it drains out the bottom, then let the soil dry out completely before watering again.

What is the Best Way to Water an Aloe Vera Plant?

The best way to water an aloe vera plant is slowly and deeply, allowing the soil to dry out before watering again. In winter, growth slows down and the plant needs even less water than during the rest of the year. Water once every three weeks and mist the leaves occasionally.

Do not use fertilizer or repot unless the plant has outgrown its pot. Aloe vera is succulent, so it stores water in its leaves. The roots are shallow, which allows the plant to absorb all the moisture it needs. If you overwater an aloe vera plant, it will develop root rot.

How Often Do You Need to Water the Aloe Vera Plant?

The answer is simple, “not very often”. Aloe vera plants can easily rot if they are over-watered. A good rule of thumb is to water the plant every 2-3 weeks and only when the soil has dried out.

Aloe vera plants need a lot less water during the winter than they do during the summer. If you have your plant outdoors in the summer, you may need to water it every week. On the other hand, if you have it indoors, you may only need to water it once per month or less.

How Much Water Do Aloe Vera Plants need?

The amount of water an aloe vera plant needs depends on the climate, the soil, and the size of the pot. In general, aloe vera plants need less water than most other houseplants.

If you are growing your aloe vera plant in a small pot, it will not retain moisture as well as it would in a larger pot. If you are growing your aloe vera in a large pot, it will retain moisture better than it would in a small pot.

How do I know if my Aloe Plant Needs Water?

The best way to know if your aloe plant needs water is to check the soil. Stick your finger in the dirt and feel around. If the dirt feels dry and there is no moisture at all, it is time to give your aloe vera a drink. Watering an aloe plant can be tricky.

The plant has different needs based on what season it is in. For example, during winter months when growth slows and the days are shorter, you won’t have to water it as often as you would during spring or summer when the plant grows rapidly.

If your aloe plant begins to yellow or look sickly, it might be overwatered or underwatered. Both are common mistakes for novices who might not understand how much moisture their aloe vera needs at a given time of year.

What Does an Overwatered Aloe look like?

Overwatered aloes are soft, floppy, and may have blackened, mushy roots. The leaves will be very pale in color and may even turn yellow or brown. In the most severe cases, the entire plant may collapse and die.

In comparison with an under-watered aloe, overwatered plants will not have any deep cracks or split in the leaves. Rather, they will appear very mushy, squishy, and entirely lacking in substance.

The other difference to look for is that many overwatered aloes will also have blackened roots. The tops of the soil may feel wet to the touch rather than drying out quickly as a healthy plant would.

What Does an Underwatered Aloe look like?

An underwatered aloe will start to change color, becoming either a pale green or yellowish color. The leaves may begin to pucker inwards, and they will almost always feel hard and rigid to the touch. Note that not all aloe plants turn yellow when they are underwatered. Some of them may turn brown or orange instead.

Final Thoughts

Overall, aloe vera plants are surprisingly low-maintenance, making them ideal for just about any home. The biggest challenge is giving an aloe plant the right amount of water – making sure to not over or under-water them.
