How Long Can Roses Last without Water?

Roses are a much-loved plant by gardeners all over the world. Roses are grown for their beautiful flowers and they come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

Roses need water in order to thrive but the amount of water they need depends on a few factors. Keeping your rose plant healthy and watered can be difficult if you have several plants around the yard or you simply do not have time to spend watering each one.

Here are some tips on how long roses can last without water before you will need to take action.

Do roses need water?

Roses need water in order to thrive, but the amount of water they need depends on a few factors. If you can tell by looking at the roses, there are some signs that indicate that your plant is thirsty.

If you have outdoor roses and they are starting to wilt or look droopy, check their soil; it may be too dry. If not, try watering them with 1-2 inches of water per week rather than deep soaking them every few days.

They also react to how much sun they get. If the leaves are turning yellow, if the branches have bent or drooped and the rose looks weak, it may need water. Roses can also become thirsty when they are exposed to excessive heat.

How long can roses last without water?

The answer is that it depends on the type of rose and the climate. Roses grown outdoors, in a cold climate, will not survive long without water.

If you have ever come home and forgotten to water your indoor rose, don’t worry; it is still alive and will lead a happy life for a while until you remember to take care of it.

Indoor roses that are watered every day are usually fine after about two weeks. The soil should be moist but not wet.

The roots also need oxygen to grow so if they are in an airtight container (a ceramic pot), the roots will draw in the oxygen from outside the container. There is some debate about when the last watering should be done, and how long after that it is better to “shock” the rose in order to start the new growth.

A good rule of thumb is to water your rose when it wilts. This usually happens about a week after you have started watering or when the soil is dry.

After this, if there is no new growth, then you must do a little shock. If there are more than two leaves on the plant (new growth), then don’t water it again until there are no new leaves (old-growth).

Can Roses last overnight without water?

Since roses are able to store water in their roots, they can survive for a couple of days without water. If you have a few rose bushes in your yard and neglect watering them, they will die during the hot summer months since they can not go without water for too long.

In order to last overnight without watering, the rose plant needs to be somewhere where it is sheltered from the sun and wind.

How to make roses last longer?

With so many breeds of roses, it’s impossible to know exactly how long each one will last before it withers, but there are a few things you can do to extend their lives.

Roses that are bred for showy flowers might need more water and fertilizer than others, but all varieties benefit from a few tricks that will keep them looking good for longer.

Here are some easy ways to make your roses last longer:

Choose your rose wisely:

The three major factors in keeping your rose alive are temperature, sunlight, and water. Choose a rose that grows best in your area, and make sure you are watering it properly.

If your rose receives too much water, the roots will rot, but if it gets too little water, the flowers will wilt and die. Proper watering is also important in extending the life of your plant.

Prune regularly:

Pruning helps to remove dead, damaged, or diseased branches from the plant. A few cuts down the length of your branches can help to promote healthy growth and keep the leaves shiny.

It also keeps air circulating through the foliage, which helps them live longer. Pruning also helps to make room for new stems to grow and helps you identify problems in the plant’s structure.

Fertilize regularly:

Roses need nitrogen to produce their beautiful flowers, so use a high-nitrogen fertilizer or compost tea once a month if you aren’t using fertilizer spikes in the ground.

Fertilizing can help them grow more quickly and easily, making them less likely to fall apart when they are cut. You will want to fertilize your rose right after pruning it, as well.

Remove dead blooms:

To extend the life of your roses as long as possible, remove flowers that are already wilted or dead before they can damage new growth. If you are going to remove them, don’t cut them off completely; just remove the petals to leave the stem intact.


Many insects like to feed on your rose’s foliage and flowers. You can control most of these pests with a good preventative pesticide or natural methods.


Roses prefer full sun, but you can get away with a few hours of sun in cloudy weather by placing your roses where they will get at least 6 hours of sunlight. If it’s raining, try using an umbrella to provide shade that lasts for more than an hour or two. This will help prevent wilting in cloudy weather.