Mint Plant Dying

The mint plant is an aromatic herb indigenous to the Mediterranean. There are many different types of mints, including peppermint, spearmint, apple mint, and orange mint.

Spearmint is one of the most popular varieties as it’s distinguished by its strong aroma and sweet flavor which can be used for a wide variety of purposes.

Peppermint has a terrible taste that satisfies most people with its coolness on their throat while it aids in digestion and relieves nausea. Apple Mint is very spicy when eaten raw but if steeped in boiling water for thirty minutes it becomes quite mild.

What is killing my mint?

There are many reasons why your mint plant is dying. After you have searched the internet, and can not find anything, you should take these steps into consideration.
This does not mean it is dead yet!


Your mint plant could be drowning because of overwatering. This kills the root and the leaves will dry up and fall off. And there is a high possibility that there will be mold in the water if given too much water and not enough drainage in the container.

If this is your case you must repot them or get new containers with drain holes to help them live out their normal life cycle with soil drainage and proper irrigation amount….


The mint plant is very sensitive to heat and humidity. If it is not placed in the shade, or indoors, and it will most likely die.

If your mint plant has become wilted from the heat, and there are no signs of recovery, give it a little more time to “cool down” before you throw it out yet! If your mint plant looks a little wilted do not be alarmed! This may be because of the sudden shift of temperature either up or down.

They are in shock! You should cut back on watering them if they are constantly wilting, or taking on too much water at a time.


Your mint plant should be in a spot that receives 4 to 5 hours of sun each day. If they do not get enough light, they will start to die.

Peppermint prefers the most sunlight as it is the strongest plant out of all mints. If your mint plant does not get enough light, purchase another set of lights for them, or move them into a more sunny area!

If you have done this and it’s still not working try moving them again! If all else fails then you should repot them into another “light friendly” pot!

The mint plant likes to be kept in a semi-shady area as opposed to full out sun lighting. The mint plant likes to be kept in an environment with light, but not too much!

If you’ve found that your mint plant is killed, and the leaves are brown, and there are no signs of life within a few days.

If it has been two weeks and they haven’t shown signs of coming back to life after being repotted or put into a new pot with drain holes then accept it: Your mint plant is dead. Repotting or cutting the stem will only make them die faster. Trim away dead leaves by cutting at the base of the stem, once a month. This will help keep mold from rotting in the soil.

Do mint plants come back?

They do! The mint plant is quite resilient and can survive in many different conditions of temperature, light, water intake, and drainage. If you follow the step-by-step instructions in this article, your mint plant will come back to life!

How do I revive Mint?
To revive your mint plant from dying, you must do this immediately after the mint plant has died. If you don’t water them for a few days before the mint plant has died, skip the watering step.

If you do not have any soil on hand and have never repotted a mint plant before, skip to Step 3.

1. Find a pot that is a little larger than the one that they are in now. You will need some soil in it too! Get some soil from another pot with healthy mint plants or buy some organic, non-soil based dirt.

2. With a pair of scissors cut off the dead leaves and stems. You can leave them in the pot or cut them in half to make them easier to remove.

3. Take a cup of some type of measuring device and fill it with water if you are using plants that have soil, else skip this step. The amount of water is not important unless your container says to add a certain amount…otherwise, just add some water until the soil is moist and moist for good drainage from the bottom holes on the container!

4. Once you have added the soil or water to your container, place the mint plant in the container. Make sure the base of the plant is covered with a couple of inches of soil. There will be people that say “Do this, do that” as far as potting this type of plant goes, but it’s important to remember: You can kill a plant by doing too much for it!

5. Water it until you have moistened all of the soil. Make sure to water it enough so that all of the soil is moist and good drainage from all holes on the container.

Does mint plant need sunlight?

Mint needs indirect sunlight at least three to four hours a day.

How much water does a mint plant need?

Mint needs to be watered well on a regular basis; however, keep the soil slightly dry between watering. It is essential to allow the top of the soil to dry out between waterings so that it does not get root rot. When watering mint, water it well, and then do not water until the top of the soil is dry again.

When should I water my mint plant?

Mint needs to be watered well on a regular basis; however, keep the soil slightly dry between watering. It is essential to allow the top of the soil to dry out between waterings so that it does not get root rot. When watering mint, water it well, and then do not water until the top of the soil is dry again.

How often should I feed my mint plant?

The standard application rate for organic fertilizers is one tablespoon per gallon of water every two weeks during growth; half that amount every two weeks when plants are in decline.

Why do mint plant leaves turn brown?

Mint normally turns brown when it is stressed due to either too much water or sun. It will also turn brown if it is root-bound and not receiving enough nutrients.

How can I make my mint plant grow faster?

The best way to get your mint plant to grow faster is to add an organic fertilizer once a month during the growing season.
The most important thing to do when starting a new plant from the mint cuttings is to make sure you’re keeping it moist.