Why is my Calibrachoa Dying?

Calibrachoa or million bells is a variety of petunia that is known for its glossy leaves. The flowers come in a wide range of colors and can be used as both an indoor and outdoor plant.

The name calibrachoa (pronounced kal-i-brak-o’a) comes from the Greek word Kalos, which means “beautiful”, and amaranth, which refers to the flowers’ everlasting qualities because they do not wilt despite falling rain or heavy dew.

This perennial plant produces yellow, orange, red, pink, or purple flowers that are long-lasting. They have a slight fragrance as well as being resistant to most diseases.

why is my calibrachoa dying?

A common problem that crops up with calibrachoa is the yellowing or browning of leaves.

The leaves are susceptible to a disease called phytophthora blight. Phytophthora thrives in warm, wet conditions, so it is most active from spring to early fall.

The disease usually occurs in areas where there is a high amount of humidity, such as near sidewalks and water spout areas. Early signs of a phytophthora attack will start as small areas on the plant turning yellow or brown.

This will result in discoloration and if left untreated, the foliage will die off almost completely. This is due to the spores that phytophthora produces. The wet conditions found in Florida are ideal for phytophthora. The best way to get rid of this disease is by removing affected plants immediately, allowing for proper air circulation and using fungicide when needed.

Calibrachoa can also be affected by a fungal disease called leaf spot. While this doesn’t affect the overall health of the plant, it can cause unsightly leaves and could eventually kill off small plants if not treated properly.

Leaf spot is caused by a fungus that has various shapes and sizes ranging from circular to oval, depending on the area of the plant. Leaves will start to turn a brown and then dark gray, eventually withering away.

If the disease starts at the top of the plant, it will slowly work its way to lower leaves. If you notice leaf spot early on, treatment will be easier and more effective. Treating affected plants with a fungicide containing chlorothalonil or mancozeb can help keep this disease away.

Despite causing such problems, calibrachoa is still a popular plant in Florida gardens because of its resistance to sunburns as well as pests and diseases that affect other common houseplants like spider mites for example.

Why are my Calibrachoa leaves turning yellow?

If the yellowing of the leaves is only affecting areas of the plant, there could be a few possible reasons for this.

Step 1: Check for insects. There are many different types of insects that can affect calibrachoa including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites.

If you believe your plant is affected by insects, it is important to remove affected foliage and spray leaves with insecticides such as neem oil or insecticidal soap mixed with water. It is also a good idea to check neighboring plants for any signs of these pests as well. Keeping your garden free of these insects will help prevent spreading problems to other plants in your garden.

Step 2: Check for leaf spot. As mentioned above, this is a fungal disease that causes leaves to brown and eventually turn gray. The best treatment for leaf spot is by pruning affected foliage immediately and treating the plant with a fungicide like chlorothalonil or mancozeb.

Step 3: Look at water flow. While calibrachoa plants are tolerant to most tap water, it can still cause damage to the plant if you over water it as mentioned above. If your plant is positioned on a slope or slanted ground, water can pool if not managed properly which may be causing yellowing of the leaves at its base of the stem (apex).

Step 4: Examine the soil. If your plant is in a container, check to see if there are any traces of salts at the very top of the soil or if the container’s drainage holes are blocked. Calibrachoa tends to be very sensitive to salts in their soil so it is important that you flush them out regularly with fresh water.

Step 5: Fertilize appropriately. When fertilizing you should do so every two weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer mixed with water or slow-release plant food.

How do I bring my Calibrachoa back to life?
If you have an existing plant that is showing signs of dying off, there are a couple of steps to take to help revive it.

Step 1: Diagnose the problem. If your plant is affected by a fungal disease, it will be easier to treat if it is caught early on. Most importantly, remove the affected plants right away as well as surrounding ones so that the fungus does not spread to other plants in your garden. Make sure that air circulation within your garden is sufficient and provides plenty of light throughout the day.

Step 2: Spray with a disinfectant spray such as neem oil or insecticidal soap mixed with water. Both of these products are organic and will help with the removal of harmful insects and pests on your calibrachoa. One important thing to keep in mind when using insecticides is that you must avoid getting it on the flowers as they are very delicate.

Step 3: Prune back the infected leaves and stems. Remove dead roots as well as any other parts of the plant showing signs of rot or fungus.

If the plant has contracted leaf spot, prune off affected leaves and throw them away immediately. This will help prevent the possibility of infecting other plants in your garden. The best time to prune a plant is during its resting period which is after it has bloomed, but before it begins producing new growth again.

Step 4: Reapply the fungicide or insecticidal soap to the plant. Do this every two weeks until the problem is under control.

Step 5: Be sure not to overwater your plant and give it a slow-release, organic fertilizer like fish emulsion with a balanced fertilizer. This will help prevent any further problems while also strengthening your plant’s overall growth.

How do you keep a Calibrachoa blooming?

Step 1: Calibrachoa is annuals, which means that they grow and bloom for 1 year and then die. It is possible to keep a calibrachoa plant growing for more than one year if you bring it indoors after the first fall frost has occurred.

To do this, remove your plant from its container at the end of the season and repot it into a pot that is about three times larger than the one it was in previously.

If you have several plants that you want to keep alive, you can put them all in one large container together. Be sure not to give your plant any fertilizer while re-potting as it will promote new growth which will then die during the winter months.

Step 2: When you bring your plant indoors, do so when the temperature can stay above 50 degrees and put it in a part of the house that receives a lot of suns, like a southern facing window.

Put your plant in its new pot in an area where it will receive just enough light to keep its leaves alive but not so much light that it might cause new growth to occur.

Water your plant thoroughly and then place it on a saucer filled with pebbles to ensure that the roots will not sit in water when watering is needed. Also, be sure to make sure that the potting soil never stays wet for long periods of time because this can cause root rot which is fatal to calibrachoa plants.

Step 3: During the winter months when temperatures are below 50 degrees, keep your plant in a cool area of your house, like a basement or garage.

The temperature should be between 35 and 45 degrees so that the leaves will not freeze. If you do not have any basement or garage space, you can keep the plant in a room with no heat source except for what is naturally available during cooler months.

Step 4: You can take your plant outside during summer months as long as it is shaded from direct sunlight and it is kept in a place where temperatures will not exceed 80 degrees.

Unless your plant is already in a container, you should transfer it to a drainage container that has holes in it. You can keep this newly planted plant outside for several hours to several days depending on how hot or cold the temperatures will be.

Step 5: Once you bring the plant inside, water it frequently and put more moisture around the base of the plant. If you are keeping it in a place other than where it was originally planted, do not forget to water all of its roots by using a watering can or hose.

Step 6: Place the plant near a window that receives sunlight for at least 8 hours each day and take care of your caladium so that it will have a better chance at survival during colder months.

Should you trim Calibrachoa?

You should only need to trim calibrachoa if it has grown out of control. When this happens, it is best to cut back the leaves that are clumped together and remove any dead or dying foliage immediately.

How much water does a Calibrachoa require?

Calibrachoa does not need a lot of water, but it does require moist soil. Watering your plant once a week will produce beautiful blooms while keeping your plant healthy! To water your plant, use the rule of thumb where you should put a finger into the soil and if the top 1/3 of that finger is dry – it’s time to water.

What is the best fertilizer for Calibrachoa?

It is recommended by most plant care experts to fertilize your calibrachoa every 2 weeks. However, since calibrachoa is “grow and bloom” plants, they require less fertilizer than other types of common houseplants.

It’s important not to over-fertilize Calibrachoa, as it can cause excessive new growth and get leggy over time. A slow-release or organic plant food is a good choice, applied at half the recommended strength when used. Do not use chemical-based fertilizers on your plant! They contain salts that will damage roots and promote plant disease.