Watering your plants is one of the most important parts of keeping them alive and healthy. But it turns out that there are certain times of day where watering is better than others. You’ll need to know which hours are the best and the worst in order to avoid over-or under-watering your plants, which can lead to mold or root rot.
What are the Best Times to Water Your Plants?
1. Early morning: It is still cool out when you get up early in the morning so it will be a little while before any water that you put on your plants evaporates. This will make for better watering than during the day when the air temperature is warm and so your plants will be cooler.
2. Late morning: This is also a good time to water because it is warm enough out at this time that your plants are probably still in the shade, which they need to survive. The coolest part of the day tends to be later in the afternoon, so you don’t want to over-water your plants at this time of day.
3. Early afternoon: The temperature has risen by this time of day and it is unlikely that your plants will still be in the shade. If you find that you have to water your plants at this time of day, then make sure that you use your finger to test the soil around the plant to see if it is dry before watering it. You don’t want to drench your plants or else you could end up with root rot and mold because there isn’t enough air in the soil for them to breathe.
4. Late Afternoon:
Even if the temperature has risen by this point, your plant will still be in the shade and you will probably find that it is already getting a little cool out. You still don’t want to over-water at this time of day either because if the soil is not moist, your plant could get root rot or die.
What is the worst time to Water Your Plants?
The worst time to water your plants is during the middle of the day when the sun is at its highest. During this time, the water can evaporate quickly, making it difficult for the plant to absorb the necessary nutrients it needs to stay hydrated.
1. Mid-day: Because during the day the sun shines the strongest, this is the time that you should avoid watering your plants. It is hot, so any water that you put on your plants will evaporate quickly – and this could be bad for your plant’s health. Soil that is dry can not hold as much air which makes it harder for your plants to breathe and can cause them distress.
2. Night Time:
Nighttime is another time that you should avoid watering your plants because it is cool outside, but the soil is slightly warmer than it is during the day. This could cause any water that you put on your plants to create a very humid environment and lead to mold, which you most definitely do not want.
Is it bad to water plants at night?
There may be a few occasions where you may want to water your plants at night, such as when you are outside during the day and find that your plants are wet or if you have recently had a lot of rain. You should make sure that the soil is moist before watering your plants but if the soil is already cool, it may not be necessary. However, watering your plants early in the morning is still the recommended time to do so.
What time is too late to water plants?
When you water at the wrong time of day, the soil will cool down too much for your plant to grow and survive, but if you do not water your plants at all, it could bloom too early and then fall over (known as ‘blooming before blooming’) or just die altogether.
What will happen if we water the plants at noon?
Most of the water will evaporate before it reaches the roots (this may be as much as 55% of the water that hits the soil surface), and if the soil does not have enough air for your plant to thrive, this can lead to root rot or mold.
Why is the Best Time to Water Plants in the Morning?
The best time to water your plants is in the morning. Plant experts recommend watering your plants between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. during the summer months. During this time of the day, the sun isn’t at its highest, so the water will have enough time to absorb into the ground before it evaporates. Plants also absorb nutrients and water better in the morning, making it easier for them to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Are There Any Exceptions When It Comes to Watering Plants?
Do Indoor Plants Have Different Watering Needs Compared to Outdoor Plants?
Indoor plants thrive in drier soil, and therefore, they need less water compared to outdoor plants. Their pot size, soil type, and the amount of light they receive can also affect their watering needs. It’s crucial to research and review the watering requirements of your indoor plants to ensure they stay healthy and hydrated.
Does the Type of Water You Use Matter?
The type of water you use to water your plants can affect their growth and development. Hard water contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can accumulate in the soil over time, making it more challenging for the plant to absorb vital nutrients. It’s crucial to use soft water or distilled water to water your plants to avoid damage and keep them healthy.
When Should You Water Plants During Dry Seasons?
During dry seasons, it is best to water your plants early in the morning so that the water can be absorbed into the soil before the temperatures get too high, allowing the plants to absorb the maximum amount of moisture they need. Aim to water your plants every 2-3 days, and provide them with an inch of water per week.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, if you’re going to take good care of your plants, then you need to know the best and worst times of day to water them. This knowledge could save your plant’s life and help it grow healthy and strong. Remember that the general rule is that water in the morning is better for you plants than watering at night and midday watering is bad for their health.