Peace Lily Drooping: Common Causes and How to Revive it

The peace lily is also called the Spathiphyllum, and it comes from the rain forests of Central America. It has been used by many cultures for hundreds of years – the ancient Mayans, for example, used it as a treatment for snake bites.

The peace lily was introduced to Europe in the 1700s and is now one of the most popular houseplants around. Even though it thrives in shade, it’s still widely used as a houseplant because of its vase-like appearance and easy care.

In this article, we are going to look at the possible issues that cause Peace Lily droppings and suggest a few solutions on how to revive and care.

Why is my peace lily drooping?

1. It could be a watering problem. Watering should be done deeply once a week to stimulate the roots and leaves, which should be kept evenly moist but not wet. If your plant is being watered properly, skip down to #2:

2. It may need repotting. Peace lilies are generally planted about 4-6 inches deep in a good potting soil mix such as African violet potting mix or a mix of one part of peat moss, one part finely milled sphagnum moss, and one part perlite (volcanic rock).

They thrive in an area that receives indirect light with temperatures between 60F-80F degrees with humidity levels near 50%. If you plant it in rich potting soil and keep it in high humidity, and it’s still drooping, then repotting may be required.

3. It could have a fungal infection or root rot. This is often caused by too much water or poor drainage (using a saucer instead of a tray). You will see brown or black dots on the leaves which show up when the fungal disease is advanced. The leaves will turn yellow and drop off, and eventually, the entire plant will die off if not treated immediately.

4. It could be an insect problem, most likely spider mites, thrips, or aphids. If you suspect an insect problem, save some of the infected leaves to take with you when you go to a nursery to purchase a treatment.

What to Do when Your Peace Lillies are dropping

If you are only treating for one of the above problems, there are some things that may be done to help your plant recover:

1. If it’s due to overwatering, prune off any affected leaves (you can even prune half of the plant if necessary). This will make the remaining leaves stronger and healthier and help prevent or reduce disease from spreading.

2. If it’s due to drainage or you have a saucer instead of a tray, repot into fresh potting soil and make sure the plant is placed on an elevated surface so that the water will drain away from the plant.

3. If it’s due to too much sunlight, move it to a cooler area with less direct light. You may only need to move it slightly, and if you do so gradually over several days, you can often prevent sunburned leaves from occurring.

4. If it’s an insect problem, you should spray with an insecticidal soap solution. Make sure to follow the directions on the package carefully.

It should recover if you treat it right away but remember: peace lilies don’t like to be moved around a lot or to have their soil changed too much.

Do peace lilies droop at night?

Peace lilies are one of the very few plants that will actually droop at night. This makes them a good choice as an indoor plant since they are not prone to falling over like other plants can.

How do I know if my peace lily is overwatered?

1. Water does not run out the bottom of your pot within 2-3 hours after watering.

2. The leaves are a dark green color, but are soft and feel heavy if you pick one up.

3. There is considerable yellowing of the leaves and/or browning of leaf tips, which might also be accompanied by some soft brown spots on some of the leaves.

Does peace lily need sunlight?

Peace lilies don’t require as much sunlight as other houseplants, and keeping them in a brightly lit area will not do your peace lily any favors.

Instead, try to find a location that is out of direct sunlight, but has indirect light from windows throughout the day. Peace lilies should be kept in temperatures between 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit for optimum growth and flowering.

Peace lily care before flowering

Here are a few tips for a healthy peace lily:

1. Maintain the location that you have chosen for your peace lily once you have found the right spot for it by placing it there and keeping it there without moving it about in the home, this will help to keep the peace lily in tip-top shape and make it easier to maintain.

2. Keep your peace lily out of drafts and away from doors that are often opened and closed.

3. Keep your peace lily in a location with plenty of natural light, but not direct sunlight since direct sunlight can actually burn the foliage of your peace lily.

4. You should try to keep the soil moist during spring and summer months so that it stays healthy and vibrant, during fall and winter months water will need to be reduced slightly, but not to the point of wilting or letting the soil become bone dry.

5. You should fertilize the peace lily about once a month with a liquid plant food that is high in nitrogen, such as 10-10-10.

Peace lily care during flowering

Once your peace lily begins to flower you will need to take extra effort to ensure that your peace lily continues to be happy and healthy.

The most important thing that you can do for your peace lily during this time is to make sure that it gets plenty of light – it is essential for them to have light in order for their flowers and fruit to mature and appear.

Feed your peace lily with liquid plant food that is high in phosphorus, such as 10-30-20. Peace lily care during the time after flowering Your peace lily will most likely be in a dormant state once its flowers have died and the fruit has ripened.

Take care of your peace lily during this period by ensuring that you plant it in a location where it receives light and water on a regular basis. Take extra special care of your peace lily during this time – do not add any fertilizer to its soil while it is dormant, and do not allow the soil under its pot to dry out.